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          Häufig gestellte Fragen

          Do you have any questions?

          The fastest way to find the answer is to look at the Frequently Asked Questions!

          I have received an order confirmation, but no payment details. How do I pay?
          After submitting your order, our colleagues will personally check the availability of the goods you ordered.
          If everything's OK, you will receive a call for payment. Otherwise we will contact you and solve the problems.

          I would like to order some goods you do not have on stock yet. What should I do?
          In case it's on web, you can order it. We will keep your order as a non-binding reservation. After we receive the goods, we will contact you and if you're still interested, we will continue processing your order.
          In case it's not on our web, contact us! We will find a solution - and possibly add it to our product range.

          I plan on ordering heavy package. Are there any shipping fee changes?
          Please note, that the shipping fee is PER PACKAGE.
          Packages have a weight limit (about 30 kg, depends on courier) and a dimensions limit (this is usually not a problem). If your order exceeds the maximum weight or size limits of the forwarder, the order will be sent in two or more packages. The same procedure will be applied, if there is an increased risk of damage to the goods during transport.
          Please note, that sending the order in more than one package leads to increased shipping cost. In such cases, you will be notified by e-mail and / or telephone.

          Do I need any special papers, if I want a reloading press shipped?
          Absolutely not! You can even order brass cases and bullets with the press, there's no regulation on that (so far).
          We can't ship gunpowder and primers though.

          Do you ship to Malta?
          No our courier still doesn´t allow it.

          I live outside the EU. Can you ship it to me?
          Unfortunately not, we only ship within the EU.
          For wholesale customers, it's possible in case you organize the forwarder and pull the package from us.

          I would like to pay by card, or use PayPal.
          Payment by card is only available in CZK right now. That's not a problem, we can switch the currency of your order to CZK. The exchange rates will be determined by your bank. If you wish to pay by card, please write this in "other requirements" while placing an order.

          We do not support PayPal at the moment.



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