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          Flex Clean Stahlseil - Universal für Flinten und Büchse

          Hochwertiges, kunststoffummanteltes Stahlseil FlexClean Ermöglicht diverse Reinigungsanwendungen. Gewinde ist auch für Wergspiralen oder Bürsten geeignet.


          Ihr Preis856,00  Kč 
          Auf Lager


          Cleaning self-loading rifles and shotguns can cause wrinkles to many shooters (There are exceptions. SKS, for example, can be cleaned easily). Everyone knows that cleaning your rifle from the bore exit is a problem, since you can easily damage the muzzle. If we want to avoid this risk, there are basically two options - a boresnake, or some product with simillar principle.

          This is why the Flex Clean cord was made. The rope is very flexible and does not damage the weapon, because it is wrapped in a thick layer of protective coating. The cable ends are made of brass, and therefore also safe for use in the barrel.

          Cleaning with Flex Clean cord is simple and effective. Insert the cable from the breech to the muzzle, blunt end first. You will attach the handle to this part later. Attach the appropriate 1/8" threaded brush (or adapter with cleaning felts) to the threaded end. Attach the handle and pull the cable through.

          Because of it's features, it's perfect not only for semi-auto rifles. We like to use this Flex Clean cord to quickly clean our bolt action rifles too!


          Tip STROBL.CZ: We recommend using this cleaning system with the felt pellets, for which it is primarily intended. You can carry a over 20 of those in a box with the cord and quickly run one through the bore immediately after shooting.


          • Ermöglicht diverse Reinigungsanwendungen
          • Hochwertiges, kunststoffummanteltes Stahlseil
          • Stahlseil hat eine Länge von 80 cm sowie eine Zugfestigkeit > 45 kg.
          • Präzise gefertigte Aufnahme am Griffstück ermöglicht dem Seil sich frei zu drehen und dem Laufprofil zu folgen
          • Filz-Adapter für Kaliber .17 + .22 - 12 GA beiliegend
          • Praktische Dose im Hosentaschenformat mit Sichtfenster, bietet Platz für zusätzliche Filzreiniger
          • Gewinde ist auch für Wergspiralen oder Bürsten geeignet, Griffstück aus 8 mm starkem Messing


          • Flexibles, kunststoffummanteltes Stahlseil
          • Griffstück
          • 2 Adapter für Filze (Gewinde: 1/8")




          Filzpfropfen Laufreiniger für die Reinigung von Waffen. 50 Stück pro Packung. Tipton.
          Leider kann man nicht dieses Produkt kaufen. Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Produkt

          Ballistol Adapter für 3 Filze. Brass Pellet Jag, used to push Felt Cleaning Pellets though your gun's bore. Thread M5 outside and 1/8" inside.

          Ballistol Adapter für 3 Flinten-Filze. Brass Pellet Jag, used to push Felt Cleaning Pellets though your gun's bore. Thread M5 outside.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: 4 mm M 20, .17, 4,5 mm, .177 and such.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .22, .222, .223, .224, 5,5 mm, 5,56 mm, 5,6 mm, .228 and such.

          Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .22, .222, .223, .224, 5,5 mm, 5,56 mm, 5,6 mm, .228 and such. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .243, 6 mm, 6,35 mm, .25, 6,5 mm, 25-06, .257, .260, .264 and such.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: 6,8 mm, .270, 7 mm, .280, .284 and such.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: 7,5 mm, 7,62 mm, 30-06, .300, .308 and such.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: 7,5 mm, 7,62 mm, 30-06, .300, .308 and such. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .32, 7,64 mm, 7,65 mm, 7,92 mm, 8 mm, .325, .327 and such.

          Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .32, 7,64 mm, 7,65 mm, 7,92 mm, 8 mm, .325, .327 and such. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. For calibers: 8,5 mm, .338, 9 mm, .357, 9,3 mm, .375, .38 and such.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. For calibers: .40, .404, .405, 10,3 mm, .408, .41, .416 and such.

          Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 150 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. For calibers: .43, .44, .45, .458, .460, .475, .480 and such.

          Compressed felt pellets for shotgun cleaning, 90 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. Designed for cal 12 ga.

          Compressed felt pellets for shotgun cleaning, 90 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. Designed for cal 16 ga.

          Compressed felt pellets for shotgun cleaning, 90 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. Designed for cal 20 ga.
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