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          There are following articles in this category:

          • 7-year warranty on reloading presses LEE PRECISION
          • Dillon Precision Full Lifetime Warranty
          • Manufacturer Catalogs
          • CH4D Bullet Pullers
          • CH4D Shell Holders
          • Hornady Bullets
          • Dillon Spare Parts

          7-year warranty on reloading presses LEE PRECISION


          Did you buy LEE PRECISION reloading press six years ago and some spring cracked?
          Not a problem now. We will exchange it for a new one!
          Only with us you will get a 7 year warranty on all parts of the LEE PRECISION reloading presses.


          We want to give you something extra you can not find elsewhere, and LEE PRECISION products are simply of good quality.


          We are the only firm in the world who provide this guarantee for LEE PRECISION products. That's why you can not demand or apply it anywhere else. We provide the warranty only to our end customers and it does not apply to wholesale. The warranty is also provided retroactively for goods purchased before the announcement of seven-year warranty.


          How it works?

          • We only provide the warranty to end customers, which have bought the LEE PRECISION press (presses) from us.
          • The warranty is provided by replacing the damaged part with a new one.
          • The warranty applies only to manufacturing defects, not to normal wear and tear or misuse.
          • You can bring us the damaged part personally or mail it with a copy of the invoice.
          • We will give you a new part. In rare case it's currently not on stock, we will order it for you. 
          • The replacement parts are free of charge. If you want to send/receive the item by mail, you pay for the postage.


          The address for sending the damaged part is:

          Nová Olešná 39
          Czech Republic 


          As a European distributor of Dillon Precision products, we arrange our end customers with FULL LIFETIME WARRANTY on the machines SDB Dillon RL 550B, XL 650 and SL 900 purchased from us.

          When you buy in our eshop a Dillon press, you gain full warranty. If something has broken on your press, we send you a new spare part for free. You pay only shipping costs 



          Product catalog LEE PRECISION

          • Reloading presses (single-stage, turret, progressive)
          • Dies for ammo reloading (rifle reloading, pistol reloading)
          • Bullet casting (bullet molds, pods, melters)
          • Case trimming
          • Priming tools


          Product catalog DILLON PRECISION

          • Reloading presses (Dillon XL650, Dillon 1050, ...)
          • Dies for ammo reloading (rifle reloading, pistol reloading)



          • Shooting rests, shooting bags
          • Anemometers
          • Resetting targets
          • Electronic ear protection, ear muffs
          • Case tumblers, separators, media
          • Sonic cleaners
          • Vault accessories (security, organization, gun care)
          • Accessories for ammo reloading 


          Product catalog LYMAN

          • Bullet casting (bullet molds, pods, melters)
          • Case trimming
          • Case tumblers, separators, media
          • Digital scales, digital powder systems (GEN 5, GEN 6)
          • Gun vises, gun care


          Product catalog BALLISTOL, KLEVER

          • Weapon cleaning
          • Bore solvents
          • Quick browning


          Product catalog HORNADY

          • Bullets for reloading ammunition
          • Gaschecks


          Product Catalog SELLIER & BELLOT

          • Bullets for hunting and competition


          Product Catalog MEC - Mayville Engineering Company

          • Shotshell reloading, slug reloading
          • Clay target machines


          Product catalog Sierra

          • Bullets for hunting and competition


          Product catalog RCBS

          • Renowned manufacturer of reloading equipment


          Product catalog RWS

          • Bullets for hunting and competition


          Product catalog NORMA

          • Bullets for hunting and competition

          CH4D Bullet Pullers

          Used for a quick and easy diassembly of loaded munition. It does not damage the components (bullet, brass case, gunpowder). The press-mounted collet-style CH4D bullet pullers offer a different approach than impact hammers, which utilise inertia force.

          The CH4D Bullet Puller set does not include a shell holder.

          In case you'd like to use the bullet puller for more calibers, simply order another collet insert and swap it. The bullet puller die body is universal, so you need just one.



          Screw the bullet puller in the press' toolhead. Insert the ammo you'd like to disassemble in shell holder. Operate the press handle, the shell holder goes up. By screwing it up and down, set the bullet puller so the collet grabs the bullet right over the brass neck. Make sure it does NOT grip the brass case too.

          Tighten the collet screw. The bullet is now securely held in the die. By one smooth movement, pull the brass case off the bullet.

          Loosen the collet screw to free the bullet. If done correctly, the bullet is not damaged and can be loaded again.


          We have prepared a table of bullet puller and caliber compatibilities. When picking a die or collet, only the real bullet diameter matters.
          Remember, the caliber name does not always correspond the bullet diameter used - e.g. caliber .38 Special uses .357 (.358) diameter bullets. If you're not sure about the collet you need, contact us. We'll gladly help to pick the correct one for you.

          Collet nameCH4D Bullet Puller Range from
          Range to
          Range from
          Range to
          Example of
          compatible calibers
          Collet CH4D cal.172Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 17  .165.175.17 HMR
          Collet CH4D cal. 20Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 20 cal4,9mm5,2mm.195.205 
          Collet CH4D cal. 224Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 2245,5mm5,8mm.219.229222 REM
          223 REM
          22 Hornet
          Collet CH4D cal. 243Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 2436mm6,3mm.238.248243 Win
          Collet CH4D cal. 264Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 2646,5mm6,8mm.259.2696,5x55 SE
          Collet CH4D cal. 277Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 2776,9mm7,1mm.272.282270 Win
          Collet CH4D cal. 284Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 2847mm7,3mm.279.2897x57
          Collet CH4D cal. 308Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 3087,7m7,9mm.303.3137,62x25 Tokarev
          7,65 Browning
          .32 S&W
          303 British
          30-06 Springfield
          308 Winchester
          Collet CH4D cal. 323Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 3237,9mm8,2mm.313.3238x57
          Collet CH4D cal. 338Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 3388,5mm8,7.333.343 
          Collet CH4D cal. 348Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 3488,7mm8,9mm.343.353 
          Collet CH4D cal. 357Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 3578,9mm9,2mm.352.3629 mm Browning Court
          9 mm Luger Subsonic
          9 mm Makarov
          .38 Special
          .357 Magnum
          .357 SIG
          Collet CH4D cal. 375Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 3759,4mm9,6mm.370.380.375 H&H
          Collet CH4D cal. 40Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 4010mm10,3mm.395.405.40 S&W
          Collet CH4D cal. 411Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 4110,3mm10,5mm.405.415 
          Collet CH4D cal. 44Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 4411mm11,3mm.435.445.44 Rem.Mag.
          Collet CH4D cal. 45Bullet Puller CH4D cal. 4511,3mm11,5mm.445.455.45 Auto (.45 ACP)
          .45 G.A.P.
          .45 Colt (.45 LC)


          A complete list of calibers and respective CH4D shell holders.

          These are special products, for many calibers these are the only existing shell holders on market.

          Shell Holder
          CaliberShell HolderCaliber
          10G10 ga. Brass Shotshell1238 Ballard XL
          34810,15x61R (10x61R)1238 Long Center Fire
          45610,25x69R1238 Long Colt
          34810,3x60R1238 S&W Short
          7610,3x65R Baenziger1238 Short Colt
          34810,44x44R1238 Special
          8/8B10,4mm Italian Serv. Revolver338 Super
          34810,4x38R Swiss Vetterli15380 ACP
          34810,4x42R Swiss Vetterli41M380 Dutch Police Revolver
          34810,4x47R Italian Vetterli12380 Long
          4310,5x47R12380 Long Rifle
          43S10,66x57R (42Russ. Berdan)12380 Revolver
          110,75x57 Mannlicher12380 Short
          4310,75x60R41/238-35 Stevens
          110,75x63mm8B38-40 Remington Hepburn
          43S10,75x65R Collath1938-40 Winchester
          3801810,75x68 Mauser1238-44 S&W
          43S10,75x70R Collath1A38-45 ACP
          43S10,7x57R Krag8B38-45 Bullard
          2810mm Auto8B38-45 Stevens
          4310x47R238-50 Ballard
          76/4711,15x36R Fruthwirth Carb,238-50 Ballard Everlasting
          76/4711,15x36R Werndl (11,2x36)238-50 Maynard
          43S11,15x37R Grensaufsher8B38-50 Remington
          43S11,15x42R Werndl M 674738-55 Winchester (375 Win)
          47511,15x58 Werndl M 774738-56 Winchester
          43S11,15x58R (43 Spanish)4738-70 Winchester
          4311,15x60R (43 Mauser)8B38-72 Winchester
          43S11,2x50R Werder2538-90 Winchester
          111,2x60 Schuler4634.6x30
          111,2x72 Schuler840 DMM #1
          475/BEA11,43x41R PeabodyLC40 DMM #3
          5711,43x49R Peabody2840 S&W
          BEA11,43x50R Egyptian25400 Black Powder Exp
          BEA/5711,43x55R (45 Turkish)1400 Brown-Whelen
          BEA11,4x50R Comblain M 741A400 Corbon
          76/4711,4x50R Werndl M 736400 H&H
          43S11,5x50R Werder25400 Nitro (BP Exp 3in Purdey)
          43S11,5x57 Spanish Reformado1400 Webley Auto
          7611,75x36R Montenegrin Short1400 Whelen
          7611,75x51R Montenegrin Long1400 Whelen Imp 24
          43S11,7x41,5R Danish Remington1400 Whelen Imp 28
          43S11,7x45,5R Danish Remington1400 Whelen Imp 30
          43S11,7x51R Danish Remington1400 Whelen Imp 40
          43S11,7x56R Danish Remington6400-360 Purdey
          43S11,7x57R Berdan41C401 Herters Power Magnum
          811mm French Service Revolver1401 Winchester Self-Loading
          811mm German Service Revolver5740-110 Winchester
          4711x36 Montenegrin34840-348 Winchester
          4311x47R404404 Jeffrey Rimless
          BEA11x50R2740-444 Marlin
          BEA11x52R Beamont (11.35x52R)1A40-45 ACP
          57/BEA11x53R Comblain Belgian25405 Winchester
          1111x59R Gras4740-50 Sharps & Shiloh Necked
          5711x59R Vickers MG8B40-50 Sharps Straight
          348 or sam11x60R Murata4740-60 Marlin
          611x65R4740-60 Winchester
          12G12 ga. Brass Shotshell2540-63 Ballard (40-70)
          5712,7x44R4740-65 Ballard
          43S12,7x70mm Schuler4740-65 Ron Long
          5712,8x45mmR Papal Remington4740-65 Winchester
          1512-222 Remington4740-70 Remington Necked
          14G14 ga. Brass Shotshell4740-70 Sharps Necked 2.25in
          HT14 Hornet 458B40-70 Sharps Str. (original)
          1514 Mach V2540-70 Sharps Str. Shiloh
          453591314,5x114 Russian (2in Thread)4740-70 Shiloh Necked 2.1in
          57714,92x41,2R4740-70 Winchester
          1514-17 Remington8B40-72 Winchester
          1514-221505408 Chey-Tac
          1514-221 Walker (14 MachV)505408 Tejas
          1514-2226408 Winchester
          1514-222 Imp 304740-82 Silhouette
          1514-2234740-82 Winchester
          1514-223 Imp 304740-85 Ballard
          1514x50RBEA40-90 Bullard
          16G16 ga. Brass Shotshell4740-90 Sharps Necked
          317 Ackley Bee (Thomp. Center)2540-90 Sharps Str (Original)
          1017 Brakefield2540-90 Sharps Str Shiloh
          317 BumblebeeLG41 Action Express
          3417 C.C.M.141 Auto Magnum
          22LR17 High Standard1/1A41 Avenger
          HT17 Hornet41C41 Long Colt
          HT17 Hornet Ackley Imp41M41 Magnum
          1517 Javelina41C41 Short Colt
          317 Killer Bee19410 Ball-India
          1517 Mach IV19410 Brass Shotshell (36 ga.)
          3417 N.M.S.6411 Express
          1517 Remington6411 KDF
          HT17 Squirrel27411-444 (411 JDJ)
          1517-22157416 BPE Mann
          1517-221 Imp 30416416 Dakota
          1517-221 Imp 40LC416 DMM
          1517-222505416 Chey Tac
          1517-222 Imp 30404416 Jamison
          1517-222 Imp 406416 Remington
          1517-222 Magnum416416 Rigby
          1517-222 Magnum Imp 306416 Taylor
          1517-222 Magnum Imp 40416416 Ventez-Nyati
          1517-22347416 VVC
          1517-223 Imp 30416416 Weatherby (416-378 Wby)
          1517-223 Imp 40404416 WSM
          1217x50R6416-300 Winchester
          20G20 / 577 A.H.6416-338 Winchester
          1520 Duster348416-348 Winchester
          20G20 ga. Brass Shotshell6416-375 H&H
          HT20 Squirrel25416-404
          1520 Tactical6416x68
          1520 Vartag2423 Nitro Express
          1520-2211A425 Wesley Richards
          1520-221 Imp 30BEA43 Egyptian (11.43x50R)
          1520-221 Imp 404343 Mauser (11.15x60R)
          1520-22243S43 Spanish (11.15x58R)
          1520-222 Imp 3027430 JDJ
          1520-222 Imp 4011433 Peabody
          1520-222 Magnum34843-348
          1520-222 Magnum Imp 30144 Auto Magnum
          1520-222 Magnum Imp 40844 Ballard Long
          1520-223844 Bulldog
          1520-223 Imp 30844 Colt
          1520-223 Imp 40844 Crooks
          15204 RugerLC44 DMM
          1205 Scorpion844 Evens Long
          453591220mm Lahti 2.75-12844 Evens Short
          453591220mm Lahti 2-12844 Extra Long Ballard
          453591120mm Vulcan (M-103) 2in844 Extra Long Wesson
          453591920x110 Hisp. Suisa 2-3/4in844 Henry Center Fire
          453591420x110 Oerlikon 1.5in2744 Mad Max
          453591420x110 Oerlikon 2.75in844 Remington Revolver
          453591820x139 Hisp. Suisa 2 3/4-12in844 S&W American
          453591820x139 Hisp. Suisa 2-12in844 S&W Magnum
          45229020x81 Oerlikon844 S&W Russian
          453591720x81.5844 S&W Special
          3218 Bee844 Webley Revolver
          3218 Mashburn Bee6440 Corbon
          2219 Donaldson Wasp4744-100 Ballard
          2219 Zipper8442 Webley
          2219 Zipper Imp (28 Versions)27444 Marlin
          422 Arrow1944-40 Winchester
          3422 C.C.M.8B445 Super Magnum
          1222 Cotterman Super JetBEA44-55 Turkish
          222 Donaldson Wasp43S446 Express
          34/HT22 Extra Long Maynard43S44-60 Sharps
          M122 Flea4744-75 Ballard
          HT22 Harvey KC43S44-77 Sharps (Shiloh)
          HT22 Hornet27/BEA44-85 Wesson
          122 Cheetah 28BEA44-90 Peabody What Chier
          122 Cheetah 404744-90 Remington BN 2.6in
          HT22 ICL Gopher1144-90 Remington Spl. 2.4in
          1522 Jones43S44-90 Remington Straight 2.6in
          222 Jr Varminter43S44-90 Sharps Necked
          1A22 JRS1A45 ACP (Auto Rimmed)
          HT22 K Hornet43S45 Ballard 2.4in
          222 Lindl Chucker1A45 Blaser
          222 Lindl Superchucker57/34845 Boxer Henry Long 1869
          HT22 Lovell KBEA45 Gardner Gatling & Norde. MG
          122 M.B.R.LC45 Long Colt
          2R22 Maximum Lovell57/34845 New South Wales
          3422 N.M.S.LC45 S&W Schofield Rev
          122 Newton455/LC45 Webley Revolver
          1322 PPC1A45 Winchester Magnum
          122 Remington Benchrest501450 #1 Express
          1222 Remington Jet475450 #2 Express
          8B22 Saunders Krag454450 2-3/8in
          222 Savage Hi Power6450 Ackley Magnum
          HT22 SquirrelLC450 Adams Revolver
          1222 Super Jet348450 Alaskan (450-348)
          122 Varminter (Original)348450 Alaskan Imp
          34/HT22 Velo Dog454450 Black Powder Express
          HT22 WCF (Win Center Fire)404450 Dakota
          4220 Arrow454450 Long
          41001220 Don Ace6450 Mashburn Magnum
          4220 Rocket (Weatherby)454450 Nitro Exp
          13220 Russian416450 Rigby (current Rimless)
          13220 Russian Imp 30416450 Rigby Match (old Rimmed)
          4220 SwiftLC450 Short
          4220 Swift Imp (Several)BEA450 Soper
          122-06 Imp 28501450 W.R. No.1 Carbine
          122-06 Imp 306450 Watts Magnum
          122-06 Imp 40455450 Webley
          15221 Remington Ackley Imp 40348450-348 (450 Alaskan)
          15221 Remington Fireball348450-348 Imp
          15221 Remington Imp 30454450-357 Exp
          34/HT22-15-60456450-400 Nitro Express 3.25in
          15222 K454450-400 Nitro Express 3in
          15222 Remington (222 Rimmed)501450-400 Wes. Richards #1 Car.
          15222 Remington Ackley Imp 40501450-400 Wesley Richards Target
          15222 Remington Imp 301A451 Detonics
          15222 Remington Magnum4745-100 Ballard
          15222 Remington Magnum Imp 304745-100 Sharps 2.6in
          15222 Remington Magnum Imp 404745-110 Sharps 2.75in
          15222 Remington Magnum Imp 454745-110 Sharps 2-7/8in
          12222 Rimmed4745-120 Sharps 3.25in
          122-243 Middlested34845-125 Winchester Express
          122-243 WinchesterLC454 Casull
          122-243 Winchester Imp 28455455 Colt (455 MK 1)
          122-243 Winchester Imp 30455455 Webley (455 MK 11)
          122-243 Winchester Imp 401A/4455 Webley Auto Pistol
          122-250 Ackley Imp 4043S45-50 Peabody
          122-250 Brogne34845-500 Linebaugh
          122-250 Imp 284745-60 Winchester
          122-250 Remington4745-70 Elko Magnum
          4100022-257 Roberts4745-70 Government
          122-2844745-70 Imp
          122-284 Short5745-75 Winchester
          15223 Remington6458 Lott
          15223 Remington Ackley Imp 4047458 Max
          15223 Remington Imp 306458 MCW
          15223 Remington Small Base404458 R.S.A.U.M.
          M122-30 Carbine (5.7 MMJ)1458 Socom
          M122-30 Carbine 12 (Rare)6458 Winchester Magnum
          LG22-30 Luger4745-80 Sharpshooter
          2R22-3000 (original Lovell)6458x1.5in
          8B22-303 British6458x1.75in American
          1222-357 Magnum 236458x1.8in
          1222-357 Magnum 306458x2in American
          1222-357 Magnum 404745-90 Win. & Sharps 2.4in
          1222-357 Maximum 23348460 Alaskan
          1222-357 Maximum 40416460 A-Square
          28224 BOZ57460 G & A Rimless
          4224 Clark25460 G & A Rimmed
          HT224 Harvey K ChuckLC460 S&W
          8B224 Krag452290460 Steyr
          8B224 Pfiefer416460 Weatherby
          28224 Weatherby Magnum501461 Gibbs
          4225 Winchester501461 Gibbs #1
          122-6mm Remington6470 Capstick
          122-6mm Remington Imp 28416470 MBOGO
          122-6mm Remington Imp 30500470 Nitro Express
          122-6mm Remington Imp 4043S470 Rhino
          1228 Ackley475475 #2 Nitro Express
          8B228 Ackley Krag16475 A&M Magnum
          1222x50R6475 Ackley Magnum
          1240 Apex (240 Belted NE)6475 Barnes Supreme
          4240 Cobra47475 Linebaugh 1.4in
          33/25240 Flanged Nitro Express47475 Linebaugh 1.6in
          1240 Gebby (30-06 Case)47475 Linebaugh 1.7in
          6240 Gebby (Belted Case)500475 Nitro Express
          1240 Gibbs1475 Wildey Pistol
          6240 Rhyne475475-400 #2 Nitro Express 3.5in
          1240 Weatherby Magnum454475-450 DMM
          1243 Super Rockchucker76476 Eley
          1243 Winchester500476 Nitro Express
          1243 Winchester Ackley Imp 40345,45x18 Russian
          1243 Winchester Imp 2835,45x39
          1243 Winchester Imp 30LG5,56x25
          404243 WSSMLG5,6x22
          1243-06 (6mm-06)LG5,6x30
          1243-06 (6mm-06) Imp 28HT5,6x34 Francotte Carbine
          4244 GepsonHT5,6x35R Vierling
          6244 H+H Magnum135,6x39 Russian
          25246 Purdy Express125,6x50 (5,6x50R)
          625 Ackley Magnum410005,6x57 (5,6x57R)
          3425 ACP15,6x61 Vom Hofe
          625 B.C.15,7 B,G,
          125 GibbsM15,7mm Johnson (MMJ)
          HT25 Hornet34/34x5,7x28mm
          HT25 Hornet Ackley ImpLC50 Action Express
          625 I.C.L Magnum34850 Alaskan
          8B25 Krag650 B&M Short
          8B25 Krag Imp45229050 BMG
          M125 NAA45229050 BMG Imp (5 Versions)
          525 Remington5750 Carbine
          625 S.T.W.45229050 DTC Europ
          125 Souper45229050 DTC Eurpo EDM
          40425 TSM50050 Express
          225 Wasp45229050 McMurdo
          40425 Winchester Short Mag Imp 5057/BEA50 Peabody
          6250 Ackley Magnum5750 Remington Pistol
          4250 Cobra1650 SBNE
          1250 Donaldson Ace45229050 Spotter
          1250 Savage5750 Springfield Cadet
          1250 Savage Ackley Imp 40502500 #2 Express
          1250 Souper505500 Gibbs 2.5in
          125-06 Gibbs43S500 Jeffrey
          125-06 Imp 2476500 JRH
          125-06 Imp 28348500 Linebaugh 1.4in
          125-06 Imp 30348500 Linebaugh 1.6in
          125-06 Imp 40456500 Magnum HWP
          125-08 (25-243)500500 Nitro Express 3.25in
          125-08 Imp 40500500 Nitro Express 3in
          1025-10 Rex500500 Nitro Express 3in-1in Body
          2R25-20 Single Shot 243S500 Phantom
          2R25-20 Single Shot 376500 Smith & Wesson Magnum
          325-20 Winchester Repeating57500 Special
          2R25-21 Stevens500500-416 Nitro Express
          1525-221 Remington475500-450 #1 Express
          1525-221 Remington Imp 30501500-450 #2 Musket
          1525-221 Remington Imp 40500500-465 Nitro Express
          1525-222 Copperhead5750-110 Winchester 2.4in
          1525-222 Remington Imp 305750-140 Sharps 3.25in
          1525-222 Remington Imp 40416505 Barnes Supreme
          1525-222 Remington Mag505505 Gibbs
          1525-222 Remington Mag Imp 30416505-460 Kemp
          1525-222 Remington Mag Imp 405750-70 Government
          1525-223 Remington5750-90 Sharps 2.5in
          1525-223 Remington Imp 305750-95 Winchester
          1525-223 Remington Imp 40505510 Gibbs
          125-240 Weatherby348510 GNR
          125-243 Winchester (25-08)416510 Wells
          125-243 Winchester Imp 405752-70 Sharps
          1025-25 Stevens45229055 Boyes
          625-264 Winchester Magnum416550 Express (Short)
          125-284 Winchester16550 Mag
          40425-300 Ultramag5756-46 Spencer
          8B25-303 British5756-50 Spencer
          125-308 Winchester5756-50 Spencer (Taylor)
          225-35 Winchester5756-56 Spencer
          225-35 Winchester Imp 40577577 Nitro Express 2.75in
          625-350 Remington Magnum577577 Nitro Express 3in
          1225-357 Magnum 23577577 Snider
          1225-357 Magnum 3068577 T -Rex
          1225-357 Magnum 40MH577-450 Martini Henry
          1225-357 Maximum 23MH577-450 Martini Henry (.468)
          1225-357 Maximum 30577/502577-500 No 2 Exp (500 No 2 Ex)
          1225-357 Maximum 405858 Berdan
          225-36 Marlin5858 Gatling 1875
          3255 Rook Rifle5858 Remington Carbine
          1256 Gibbs5858 Roberts Conversion
          1256 Newton5858 U.S. Musket
          6256 QT5858-140 AGS 2.75 in
          12256 Winchester Magnum577585 Nyati
          6257 B.G.345mm Craig
          1257 D.G.R.345mm Remington
          1257 Hyper Express Grasset16,5 Benchrest Remington
          404257 Jamison156,5 Bergmann
          4257 Roberts16,5 I,C,L Magnum
          4257 Roberts Ackley Imp16,5 IHMSA
          4257 Roberts Imp 2446,5 JDJ
          4257 Roberts Imp 28146,5 Mann. Schoen. (6.5x54 MS)
          4257 Roberts Imp 30136,5 PPC
          4257 Roberts Imp 4066,5 Remington Magnum
          6257 Weatherby Magnum66,5 STW
          1225x50R66,5 Tioga KCG
          625x684046,5 TSM
          626 BSA4046,5 Win Short Mag Imp 50
          4260 A.A.R.16,5-06
          1260 Eagle16,5-06 Imp 24
          1260 Remington16,5-06 Imp 28
          1260 Remington Imp16,5-06 Imp 30
          1264 D.G. Match16,5-06 Imp 40
          6264 Durham Magnum16,5-08 (6,5-243 & 6,5-308)
          404264 Jamison156,5-221
          1264 Leroy N.E.156,5-221 Imp 30
          6264 Thor156,5-221 Imp 40
          6264 Winchester Magnum156,5-222
          1264x270 Winchester156,5-222 Imp 30
          6270 Ackley156,5-222 Imp 40
          6270 Cobra156,5-222 Magnum (6,5x47)
          6270 Gepson156,5-222 Magnum Imp 30
          1270 ICL156,5-222 Magnum Imp 40
          15270 Ingram156,5-223
          4270 JDJ156,5-223 Imp 30
          6270 Mashburn Super Magnum156,5-223 Imp 40
          HT270 REN156,5-223 Magnum
          1270 TNT156,5-223 Magnum Imp 30
          6270 Weatherby Magnum156,5-223 Magnum Imp 40
          1270 Winchester16,5-243 (6,5-08)
          1270 Winchester Imp 2316,5-250 Savage
          1270 Winchester Imp 2846,5-257 Imp 24
          1270 Winchester Imp 3046,5-257 Imp 28
          1270 Winchester Imp 4046,5-257 Imp 30
          404270 WSM46,5-257 Imp 40
          15270-221 Remington46,5-257 Roberts (Jap) (6,5x57)
          15270-221 Remington Imp 3016,5-284 Winchester
          15270-221 Remington Imp 4016,5-308 Winchester (260 Rem)
          15270-222 Remington16,5-308 Winchester Imp 24
          15270-222 Remington Imp 3016,5-308 Winchester Imp 28
          15270-222 Remington Imp 4016,5-308 Winchester Imp 30
          15270-222 Remington Mag16,5-308 Winchester Imp 40
          15270-222 Remington Mag Imp 3066,5-338 Winchester Magnum
          15270-222 Remington Mag Imp 40126,5-357 Magnum 23
          15270-223 Remington126,5-357 Magnum 30
          15270-223 Remington Imp 30126,5-357 Magnum 40
          15270-223 Remington Imp 40126,5-357 Maximum 23
          1270-250 Savage126,5-357 Maximum 30
          1270-250 Savage Imp 24126,5-357 Maximum 40
          1270-250 Savage Imp 28166,5-378 Weatherby
          1270-250 Savage Imp 3066,5-7mm Remington Magnum
          1270-250 Savage Imp 4016,5mm Gibbs
          1270-284 Winchester16,5mm Redding
          8B270-303 British126,5x27R
          1270-308 Winchester4046,5x300 WSM Imp
          1270-308 Winchester Imp 24136,5x39
          1270-308 Winchester Imp 30156,5x47 (6,5x222 Magnum)
          1270-308 Winchester Imp 403S6,5x48R Sauer
          12270-357 Magnum 236.5J6,5x50 Jap
          12270-357 Magnum 306.5J6,5x50,5 Japenese
          12270-357 Magnum 40126,5x50R
          12270-357 Maximum 23146,5x52 Italian Carcano
          12270-357 Maximum 3026,5x52R
          12270-357 Maximum 40766,5x53,5R French Daudeteau
          43709275 H&H Magnum8B6,5x53R Dutch
          4275 Rigby Rimless16,5x54 Kurz Mauser
          6276 Dubiel146,5x54 MS
          6/8B276 Newton8B6,5x54R Russian (6,5x53R)
          14276 Pederson 192326,5x55 Swedish Imp 40
          1276 Pederson 192926,5x55 Swedish Mauser
          404277 Jamison46,5x57
          404277 WSSM46,5x57R
          627x6816,5x58 Portuguese
          3428 B.S.A. Auto Pistol476,5x58R Danish Krag
          28G28 ga. Brass Shotshell26,5x58R Sauer
          1280 British (7mm Nato)16,5x61 (6,5x61R)
          456280 Flanged Nitro256,5x61R (6,5x61)
          348280 Jeffrey1A6,5x64
          1280 Remington (7mm Exp)16,5x64 Brenneke
          1280 Remington Imp 2416,5x65 RWS
          1280 Remington Imp 2866,5x66
          1280 Remington Imp 3043S6,5x66R
          1280 Remington Imp 4066,5x68
          6280 Ross43S6,5x68R
          328-30-120 Stevens26,5x70R
          6284 Bushmaster66,71 Phantom
          404284 Jamison56,8mm SPC
          1284 Winchester56,8x43mm
          1284-250 Savage452290600 Belted Nitro Express
          1285 OKH452290600 D.K.T.
          10/2R295 Rook (300 Rook)600600 Nitro Express
          HT297-230 Morris Long (Lng Body)57600 Overkill
          HT297-230 Morris Long (Sht Body)57600 Rothschild
          HT297-230 Morris Short500/57620 WSP
          HT297-250 Rook16mm Ackley
          630 Ackley Magnum8B6mm Ackley Krag Long
          41630 Adolf66mm BC
          2730 Bellm16mm Benchrest Remington
          630 Belted Newton (30-338 W.M.)16mm Benchrest Remington Imp 40
          130 Benchrest Remington276mm Halger Magnum.
          LG30 Borchardt (7.63 Borchardt)16mm Chetah 28
          130 Doggie16mm Chetah 40
          2530 Express 2.85in16mm ICL
          8B30 Flanged NE Purdey16mm International (Original)
          130 Gibbs46mm Lee Navy
          1030 H&R Magnum8B6mm Musgrave
          230 Herrett16mm OMI
          430 IHMSA136mm PPC
          630 Jones16mm Remington (244 Remington)
          LG30 Luger (7.65 Luger)16mm Remington Imp
          M130 M-1 Carbine16mm Tejas
          LG30 Mauser (7.63x25 Mauser)4046mm WSM
          630 Newton16mm-06
          530 Remington16mm-06 Imp 28
          230 Schwartz16mm-06 Imp 30
          230 Streaker16mm-06 Imp 40
          630 STW26mm-219 Phillips
          43S30 Super Flanged NE156mm-221
          630 Thor156mm-221 Imp 30
          40430 TSM156mm-221 Imp 40
          404300 Dakota156mm-222 Imp 30
          6300 H&H Magnum156mm-222 Imp 40
          6300 ICL Magnum156mm-222 Magnum (6x47)
          6300 ICL Tornado156mm-222 Magnum 30
          404300 Jamison156mm-222 Magnum 40
          416300 Lapua156mm-223 (6x45)
          10/2R300 Rook (295 Rook)156mm-223 Imp 30
          1300 Savage156mm-223 Imp 40
          10300 Sherwood16mm-250 Savage
          404300 Tejas16mm-250 Savage Imp 28
          404300 Ultramag16mm-250 Savage Imp 30
          6300 Wade Magnum16mm-250 Savage Imp 40
          6300 Weatherby Magnum66mm-264 Short Magnum
          10300 Webley66mm-264 Winchester
          15300 Whisper16mm-284
          404300 Win Short Mag8B6mm-303 British
          404300 Win Short Mag Imp 508B6mm-303 Epps
          6300 Winchester Magnum26mm-30-30 Ackley
          130-06 Imp 2426mm-30-30 Winchester
          130-06 Imp 2866mm-350 Remington Magnum
          130-06 Imp 30126mm-357 Magnum 23
          130-06 Imp 40126mm-357 Magnum 30
          130-06 Small Base126mm-357 Magnum 40
          1530-221 Remington126mm-357 Maximum 23
          1530-221 Remington Imp 30126mm-357 Maximum 30
          1530-221 Remington Imp 40126mm-357 Maximum 40
          1530-222 Remington3/HT6x29.5 Stahl
          1530-222 Remington Imp 3026x37R
          1530-222 Remington Imp 40156x47 (6mm-222 Mag)
          1530-222 Remington Magnum16x50 (6x50R)
          1530-222 Remington Magnum Imp 30126x50 Scheiring
          1530-222 Remington Magnum Imp 4016x57 (6x57R)
          1530-223 Remington66x61
          1530-223 Remington Imp 3066x61 Imp
          1530-223 Remington Imp 4016x62 Freres
          130-284 Winchester147,35x52 Italian Carcano
          130-284 Winchester Short 4537,5 Nagant Revolver
          8B303 British27,5x54 French M.A.S. Rifle
          8B303 British Imp27,5x55 Swiss
          8B303 Epps37,62mm Nagant Revolver
          8B303 IndonesianLG7,62mm Tokarev Pistol
          76/47303 Magnum137,62x39 Imp
          3S303 Savage137,62x39 Russian
          1230-30 Wesson137,62x45 Czech M-52
          230-30 Winchester27,62x52R
          230-30 Winchester Ackley Imp 40767,62x54R Russian
          630-338 Saylor17,62x63
          630-338 Winchester MagnumLG7,63x25 Mauser (30 Mauser)
          1230-357 Magnum 23LG7,65 Luger (30 Luger)
          1230-357 Magnum 30M17,65 Roth-Sauer Pistol
          1230-357 Magnum 40M17,65mm M,A,S, Pistol
          1230-357 Maximum 23M17,65mm Manlicher Pistol
          1230-357 Maximum 3017,65x53 Argentine Mauser
          1230-357 Maximum 4017,7x58 Japenese
          1230-357 Paxton4167,82 Warbird
          4730-378 Weatherby Imp 4017,92x33 Kurz (8mm Kurz)
          4730-378 Weatherby Magnum452290700 D.K.T.
          8B30-40 Krag700700 Nitro Express
          8B30-40 Krag Imp 4017mm Benchrest Remington
          2530-405 Winchester27mm Bullberry
          1308 E H4047mm Dakota
          6308 Norma Magnum17mm Express (280 Remington)
          1308 Winchester (307 Win)17mm Gibbs
          1308 Winchester Imp 4067mm Gradle Express Rimless
          1308 Winchester Small Base3487mm Gradle Express Rimmed
          630-8mm Remington Magnum17mm IHMSA
          1308x1.5inM17mm Nambu
          1308x1.75in67mm Remington Magnum
          27309 JDJ67mm S&H Imp (7x61 S&H Imp)
          7630R Blaser67mm STW
          630x6867mm Super Gibbs
          310310 Cadet157mm TCU
          1318 Wesley Richards Rimless4047mm Tejas
          M132 ACP67mm Weatherby Magnum
          1032 Ballard Extra Long157mm Whisper
          1032 Colt Long17mm-06
          1032 Colt Short17mm-06 Imp 24
          M132 French Long (7.65 M.A.S)17mm-06 Imp 28
          1032 H&R Mag17mm-06 Imp 30
          332 Ideal17mm-06 Imp 40
          2832 Jaber Jet17mm-08 Imp 24
          1232 Miller Short17mm-08 Imp 28
          1532 NAA17mm-08 Imp 30
          532 Remington17mm-08 Imp 40
          1032 S&W Long17mm-08 Remington
          1032 S&W Short157mm-221
          LG32 Winchester Self-Loader157mm-221 Imp 30
          232 Winchester Special157mm-221 Imp 40
          232 Winchester Special Imp157mm-222
          10320 Long157mm-222 Imp 30
          10320 Short157mm-222 Imp 40
          332-20 (308 Bullet for T. Cont)157mm-222 Magnum (7x47)
          332-20 Winchester157mm-222 Magnum Imp 30
          6323 Hollis157mm-222 Magnum Imp 40
          1232-30 Remington157mm-223
          232-35 Stevens & Maynard157mm-223 Imp 30
          8B32-40 Bullard157mm-223 Imp 40
          232-40 Winchester17mm-250 Savage
          8B32-40-150 Rem Hepurn67mm-264
          1032-44 S&W17mm-270
          1032x25 WC27mm-30 Waters
          633 Jeffrey Rimless37mm-30 Waters Imp 40
          633 Newton4047mm-300 Dakota
          4733 Winchester4047mm-300 Rem Ultra Mag Imp 50
          404330 Dakota67mm-300 Weatherby
          348/57333 Jeffrey Flanged N.E.67mm-308 Norma
          404333 Jeffrey Rimless127mm-357 Magnum 23
          1333 OKH127mm-357 Magnum 30
          633-38 Winchester Mag (30 Belt)127mm-357 Magnum 40
          6334 OKH127mm-357 Maximum 23
          416338 A-Square127mm-357 Maximum 30
          1338 Benchrest127mm-357 Maximum 40
          416338 Excaliber167mm-378 Weatherby
          43617338 Gaby67mm-8 Remington Magnum (7 STW)
          505*338 Chey-TacLG7x33 Sako
          404338 Jamison157x47 (7mm-222 Magnum)
          47338 Lapua Imp27x54mm Finish
          47338 Lapua Imp KS410007x57 Imp 24
          47338 Lapua Imp PT410007x57 Imp 28
          47338 Lapua Magnum410007x57 Imp 30
          76338 M&K410007x57 Imp 40
          28338 Spectre410007x57 Mauser
          1338 Stibgen410797x57R
          404338 Ultra Magnum279127x61 Sharpe & Harte
          6338 Winchester Magnum67x64 Brenneke
          6338-06 Imp 248G8 ga. Brass Shotshell
          6338-06 Imp 2828.15x46R (2)
          6338-06 Imp 30438.2x47R
          6338-06 Imp 40768.2x53R
          1338-08 (338-308 Winchester)43S8.5x47R
          1338-28418mm Kurtz (7.92x33 Kurtz)
          6338-300 H&H38mm Lebel Revolver
          6338-308 Norma268mm Nambu Pistol
          1338-308 Winchester (338-08)108mm Rast-Gasser Revolver
          1338-308 Winchester Imp 2468mm Remington Magnum
          1338-308 Winchester Imp 28M18mm Roth-Steyr Pistol
          1338-308 Winchester Imp 3018mm-06
          1338-308 Winchester Imp 4018mm-06 Imp 24
          416/16338-378 Weatherby18mm-06 Imp 28
          16338-416 Imp18mm-06 Imp 30
          15338x50R18mm-06 Imp 40
          6340 Weatherby68mm-300 Winchester
          348348 Winchester68mm-308 Norma
          348348 Winchester Ackley Imp 4018mm-308 Winchester
          634x6818mm-308 Winchester Imp 24
          635 Ackley Magnum18mm-308 Winchester Imp 28
          41635 Bello18mm-308 Winchester Imp 30
          635 Belted Newton18mm-308 Winchester Imp 40
          135 Brown Whelen68mm-338 Winchester
          635 G&H Magnum (35-375 H&H)168mm-378 Weatherby
          635 Newton28x48 Sauer
          1435 Remington768x50R Austrian Mannlicher
          M135 S&W Auto8L8x50R Lebel Rifle
          135 Whelen478x50R Siamese T-45
          135 Whelen Imp 2418x51 Mauser
          135 Whelen Imp 28198x51R
          135 Whelen Imp 30478x52R Siamese T-66
          135 Whelen Imp 40768x53R Murata
          2535 Winchester47/43S8x54 Krag Jorgensen
          535 Winchester Self Loader18x56 Mannlicher Schoenauer
          404350 Jamison768x56R Hungarian Mannlicher
          6350 Remington Mag3488x56R Kropatchek
          25350 Rigby18x57 (.318 Bullet)
          6350 Rigby #218x57 (.323 Bullet)
          5351 Winchester Self loader28x57 (.360)
          135-284 Winchester28x57 Imp 24
          41/835-30 Maynard 188228x57 Imp 28
          635-300 Winchester28x57 Imp 30
          635-338 Winchester28x57 Imp 40
          34835-348 Winchester410798x57R (.318 Bullet)
          235-40 Lewis410798x57R (.323 Bullet)
          8B35-40 Maynard 1882416/47/43S8x58R Danish Krag
          8B35-55 Maynard47/43S8x58R Sauer
          1357 Auto Magnum18x60 (.318 Bullet)
          2357 Herrett18x60 (.323 Bullet)
          12357 Magnum18x60R (.318 Bullet)
          12357 Maximum18x60R (.323 Bullet)
          28357 Sig3488x60R Kropatchek
          8357 SSM18x64 Brenneke (.323) (8x64 S)
          8357-44 Bain & Davis198x64R
          5358 CQB43S8x66 (8x66 R)
          LC358 DMM43S8x66R
          6358 Hess Magnum6/8B8x68 S (8x68 R)
          454358 Nitro Express (450-357)348/57/43S8x68R
          6358 Norma Magnum28x72R
          6358 STA28x72R Sauer
          1358 Winchester (356 Win)412459,1x40R
          1358 Winchester Imp 244049,3 WSM
          1358 Winchester Imp 28439,3x47R
          1358 Winchester Imp 3029,3x48R
          1358 Winchester Imp 40769,3x53R
          416358-378 Imp 3519,3x57 Mauser
          416358-378 RG29,3x57R
          416358-378 Weatherby19,3x62 Mauser
          404358-404 Norma29,3x63
          27358-444 (358 JDJ)43/479,3x63,5 Koeffler
          6358x6829,3x64 Brenneke (9,3x64R)
          235x30-30 Imp 408/3S9,3x65R Collath
          235x30-30 Winchester29,3x70R
          12360 #5 Rook29,3x72R
          2360 Black Powder Exp259,3x72R Sauer
          2360 NE 2.25in (9.3x57R/360)69,3x74R
          348/57360 Nitro Express #269,3x74R (356 Bullet)
          2360 Wesley Richards No. 369,3x74R (366 Bullet)
          454369 Purdy29,3x80R
          27375 Bellm29,3x82R
          404375 Dakota3S/419,4 Dutch East Indies
          LC375 DMM3S/419,4 Dutch Revolver
          6375 Durham439,5x47R
          1375 F A19,5x57 Mauser
          43S375 Flanged Magnum NE 2.85in439,5x60R
          8B375 Flanged Nitro Exp 2.5in259,5x73 Miller-Geiss
          6375 H&H Magnum69,5x74R
          6375 H&H Magnum Imp 40LG9mm Bayard Long
          6375 Heavy ExpressLG9mm Browning Long Pistol
          505375 Chey Tac289mm Carbine
          6375 ICL KodiakLG9mm Glisenti Pist. (9mm Luger)
          27375 JDJ129mm Japenese Revolver
          8B375 KragLG9mm Largo
          8B375 Nitro Exp 2.5inLG9mm Luger (9x19)
          47375 RDSLG9mm Makarov Pistol (9x18)
          404375 Remington Ultra Mag Imp 50LG9mm Mauser Pistol
          1375 Rimless NE 2.25in (9.5x57)29mm Nagant Revolver
          404375 Tejas159mm Steyr Pistol
          2375 U.S.A.LG9mm Winchester Magnum
          404375 UltraMagLG9x18mm (9mm Makarov)
          404375 UltraMag ShortLG9x18mm Ultra
          27375 WatersLG9x21mm
          6375 Weatherby Mag289x22mm MJR
          1375 Whelen159x23mm Campo-Giro
          1375 Whelen Imp 24439x47R
          1375 Whelen Imp 28439x47R EL
          1375 Whelen Imp 3019x56 Mannlicher Schoenauer
          1375 Whelen Imp 4019x57 Mauser
          2375 Winchester19x57 Mauser Imp 24
          404375 WSM19x57 Mauser Imp 28
          1375-28419x57 Mauser Imp 30
          6375-300 Winchester19x57 Mauser Imp 40
          8/8B/27375-303 Axite410799x57R
          1375-308 Winchester (375-358)19x63
          6375-350 Remington Magnum19x63 Imp 30
          47375-357 Express579x68R Swedish
          6375-358 Norma29x69R
          6375-450 MarlinR29x72
          16378 Weatherby69x74R
          338 ACP (38 Super)  


          Hornady SST®

          Short for "Super Shock Tip" the Hornady® SST® is designed to deliver tremendous shock on impact while expanding quickly and reliably, particularly at higher velocities. Flat shooting and deadly accurate, it's an ideal bullet for whitetails, as well as most North American game animals from antelope to moose and similar-sized African plains game. The SST® creates a devastatingly large wound channel.


          Hornady InterBond®

          The Hornady InterBond® features a bonded core and streamlined design that delivers ultra-flat trajectories and deep penetration and 90%+ weight retention. It's terminal performance is devastating across a wide velocity range.

          Hornady InterLock®

          The aerodynamic secant ogive of the Hornady InterLock® delivers flat trajectories and great accuracy. It's tapered jacket allows for deep penetration and controlled expansion while the InterLock ring locks core and jacket together.

          Hornady GMX®

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          Tougher than pure copper, the mono-metal copper alloy has been proven to shoot cleaner, foul less, and deliver consistent, even pressure curves.

          The tough alloy material routinely retains 95% or more of its original weight and expands up to 1.5 times its original diameter.


          Hornady ELD-X®

          The ELD-X® (Extremely Low Drag - eXpanding) bullet is a technologically advanced, match accurate, ALL-RANGE hunting bullet featuring highest-in-class ballistic coefficients and consistent, controlled expansion at ALL practical hunting distances.

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