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          Bullets SIERRA .45 cal (.458) 300grs HP/FN Pro-Hunter #8900

          Bullets SIERRA .45 cal (.458) 300grs HP/FN Pro-Hunter #8900


          Your price1,16  EUR 
          In stock
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          Caliber: .45 (.458), 300 grains, HP/FN Pro-Hunter

          Packed by 100 pcs.


          Sierra offers a single flatnose bullet in this 45 caliber specifically for the 45-70 bore size. It may be used in rifles or handguns with a .458 inch bore, but it must not be used in handguns with .451 or .454 inch bore size.

          Sierra introduced this bullet in 1973 -  the 100th year of the 45-70 cartridge. Now, decades later, this old cartridge is still growing in popularity and justifiably so. Adequate for any game in North America and offered in several modern firearms, this old cartridge is just plain fun. The bullet is unique in that it expands well at modest 1873 Springfield velocities or at the more powerful full charge velocities that can be loaded in stronger action types, such as the Ruger No. 1 and No. 3 and Marlin lever actions. Accuracy is excellent, and it feeds reliably through all types of magazines and actions. It can be used in the 458 Winchester Magnum cartridge, but muzzle velocities should not exceed 2500 fps.

          For handguns, this bullet was designed to expand reliably even at 1300 fps.  It is a perfect match for the T/C Contenders and similar handguns chambered for the 45-70 cartridge. Dependable expansion and excellent accuracy make this Pro-Hunter bullet a good choice for most hunting situations.




          Weight grains
          Weight grains
          Weight in grams
          Weight in grams
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