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          Monolitishe Geschosse Hasler Long Range cal .416, 407grs

          Monolitishe Geschosse Hasler Long Range cal 416, Durchmesser .416, Gewicht 407grs (26,4g). Sportgeschoss für präzises Schießen auf große Entfernungen, ohne kontrollierte Verformung. Hasler L416407

          Marke:Hasler Bullets

          Ihr Preis3,47  EUR 
          Lagerware, ist bestellt
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          Hasler Long Range line is a monolithic lead-free precision target shooting bullet with Spitzer Boat-Tail Ogive shape, used for a long-distance competitive shooting, and it is characterized by superior precision with an exceptional ballistic coeficient.

          Tips for reloading with Hasler bullets

          Hasler bullets may have two O-rings and one Pilot O-ring, or three O-rings and one Pilot O-ring.

          The Pilot O-ring has a different form and it is at the edge of the bullet, its function is to make the insertion of the ball into the barrel the more coaxial as possible, in order to gain the highest precision.

          During the assembling process, it is crucial that at least two o-rings are kept inside the neck (see explanatory image).

          The neck must be re-calibrated for at least 2/3 of its length; if you re-calibrate it through its whole length, it is even better.

          The neck must offer sufficient strength to firmly retain the ogive. For ogives long as the 30/168/Ariete and 7/152 Ariete, a slight crimping with ”LEE Factory Crimp Die” is a good idea to improve the combustion of gunpowder. With semi-automatic weapons, it is desirable to do a light crimping or a narrower calibration of the neck.

          If you are using dies with the bushing, you have to position them so that there is still enough room for the o-rings inside the neck.

          Freeboring: this parameter is crucial for shooting precision, usually in almost every caliber you reach a freeboring between 1 and 2mm. You’ll obtain maximum precision inside this range. It is possible to modify the distance between the two O-rings, as long as they stay inside the collet.

          Hasler ogives offer low bore fiction and, as a consequence, lower counter-pressure. That’s why they’ll require a little more lively powders to reach the right pressure needed for the perfect combustion of the powder itself.


          Gewicht Grain
          Gewicht Grain
          Gewicht Gram
          Gewicht Gram

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          Geschosse ARES caliber .45, dia .452, Gewicht 200grs. Geschossform SWC BB. PB - Rille-gefettete Bleigeschosse, nicht lackiert.
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          Verkauf nur in CZ

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